Child labour



Child labour is a rising crime which forces small  children to paid work in a small
industry, factories,illegal business,household etc. Child labour affects the growth and development of children in every aspect that is physically, socially and  mentally.Child labour is a national issue  which is growing rapidly in under developed and developing countries.

Childhood is the birth right of everyone, which  they should live under the love and care of parents, but this illegal act of child labour  forces a child to live life like a  grown up.  Child labour leads to takes away the basic right of education,  health and independence of children etc.

The main reason behind the  child labour is poverty, lack of education, family problems etc.


 Stop it now or regret later?

World day against child labour june 12, we need to rise our voice against  injustice, Any person who employs a child should be severely punished there  should be programs and volunteering for children to know about child labour and its effects.

Proper education  required for importance of childhood ,education and health. and also talk to their parents to make them understand the value of childhood,proper education and health.

This is  really a major social issue  and it needs to be solved soon, it can be done all the people from the society like from the parents to  business organization and government come all together.


Causes which leads a child to become a child labour
Mainly poverty as per the recent survey 22% of people in India live below poverty line. They need to a struggle for their daily life.  and result of many factors including lack of  education,over population,and urbanization etc.
                                                    According to data from  census 2021 the number of child labourers in India is nears to 10 million of which 5.6 million are boys and 4.4 millions are girls. 
Illiterate parents  do not realize the need for a proper  physical,emotional and  well development of a child Many time poverty forces parents to send their children to harmfull jobs.
 Child labour  destroyed a child of proper childhood,and they suffers physical and mental torture. it cause to interrupt the education of children. mainly it  affects the  future of our country destroying the capabilities  of youths in India.
Strict enforcement of laws against child labour it helps to reduce the child labour,and take awareness about child labour among public, increase the employment Opportunties for adults and also give better education for each child 
